Are you ready to say goodbye to brain fog, fatigue, bloating, and digestive upset and other troublesome gut symptoms?

What if I told you that you can turn your health problems around in less than a month? Or that your symptoms can improve in a matter of days?

The Healthy Gut, Healthy You Quick Start Guide is based on my book and will get you on the path to a healthier gut today.

As I’ve seen over and over in my clinic, you can achieve significant health results in a very short time.

The key to good health is not as complicated as some health practitioners want to make it. You don’t need a long list of expensive treatments and supplements. You simply have to focus on the fundamentals.

There is nothing more fundamental to your health than the health of your gut.

In case you are skeptical about those statements, I want you to know that gut health is not just another health fad. It is rooted in a large body of very good science.

Do I guarantee that the Quick Start Guide will provide a 100% cure for everyone, every time? Of course not. But I do guarantee that it will make a difference. Probably a big difference. And once your gut-related symptoms are cleared up, it’s easier to know what remaining symptoms (if any) need further attention.

So, if you want to feel better in less than a month, get started now with these four simple steps…

step 1

Symptom List

step 2

Reset (1 day)

step 3

Diet (2 weeks)

step 4

Support (2 weeks)

Step 1

Symptom List

As you go through the Quick Start Guide, I want you to note your symptoms every couple of weeks. This ensures that you see evidence of your progress and will help keep you motivated.

Use a simple symptom list like the worksheet provided here, or just jot down your symptoms in a notebook. Start today by listing your top 3-5 symptoms and then rate the severity of each symptom.

I’ll ask you to update the list again after you complete Step 3 and Step 4 of the Quick Start Guide.

If you use the worksheet provided, make sure you save it to your device.

Download Symptom List (PDF)

Once you have completed the symptom list, move on to Step 2.

Step 2

Reset (1 day)

A modified fast is an excellent way to hit the reset button on inflammatory symptoms that start in the gut. I’m not asking you to do an extensive or extreme fast. Just 24 hours of sipping a liquid healing solution (I’ll give you two options).

What’s amazing is that in just 24 hours of resting your digestive system, your gut will undergo significant healing and repair. Many patients report that they experience better energy and mental clarity during the fast.

There are two options you can use for this one-day healing diet:

  • A lemonade option
  • A bone broth option

Here are some tips for a successful modified fast:

  • It’s best to sip the fasting solution throughout the day instead of taking “meals.”
  • You should discontinue all of your supplements but continue to take any prescription medicines.
  • Do your best to complete the fast without coffee or black tea. Caffeine is a gut irritant. Try a small cup of green tea if you are having caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Instructions and recipes for the modified fast can be found here. The instructions recommend a four-day fast (based on the more extensive protocol in my book). For the Quick Start approach, you will use the same recipes but reduce the fast to 24 hours.

Once you have completed the modified fast, move on to Step 3.

Step 3

Diet (2 weeks)

What’s the biggest tool for improving your overall health?

It is absolutely your diet.

Leaky gut, dysbiosis, and gut inflammation have become a silent epidemic. These conditions cause unpleasant digestive symptoms and are also the root cause of a long list of chronic health problems.

So, I want you to try out some dietary changes that emphasize fresh, whole foods for two weeks. This is really important… don’t skip this step!

You will be reducing foods that may be inflammatory or allergenic for you and also feeding your gut bacteria appropriately (which helps to balance your microbiome). I will provide two dietary options and some tips to make the transition as easy as possible.

After just two weeks of dietary changes, like many of my patients, you may feel so good that you will be motivated to continue to eat better.

There are two options for this two-week healing diet:

  • The Paleo Diet: If you are not currently following a paleo diet or any diet, this is your best option. The paleo diet is one of the most effective diets for overall gut health.
  • The Paleo Low FODMAP Diet: If you are already following a paleo diet, choose the paleo low FODMAP option. The low FODMAP diet works by starving bacterial overgrowths in your gut. It has been studied extensively and has impressive results for digestive health.

Here are some tips to help you succeed with your two-week diet:

  • If the diet is working for you, your symptoms will start to improve within two weeks.
  • Do your best to follow the diet guidelines, but don’t stress about being 100% compliant.
  • Keep your food choices simple for these two weeks and don’t be hard on yourself. You don’t need to use fancy recipes and exotic ingredients.
  • Pay attention to your symptoms and learn how your body responds to different foods.
  • Choose organic and local, if possible.

You can download guidelines for the Whole 30 diet (one version of the Paleo Diet) below.

Download Whole 30 Guidelines

You can download guidelines for the Paleo Low-FODMAP Diet diet below.

Download Paleo Low-FODMAP Guidelines

Once you have followed the diet for two weeks, you should:

  • Update your symptom list.
    • Have some of your symptoms improved since starting the Quick Start Guide?
    • Have some stayed the same or gotten worse?

Once you have completed the 2 weeks of the diet phase, move on to Step 4.

Step 4

Support (2 weeks)

For the final two weeks of the Quick Start approach, I’d like you to continue with your diet and add support in the form of probiotic supplements. Like dietary changes, you should notice results from probiotics within 2 weeks.

Why probiotics?

Probiotics are safe and beneficial for a surprisingly long list of symptoms and conditions. Many probiotic strains have been widely studied. So, there is a large and growing body of scientific evidence for their effectiveness. I also see the positive effects that probiotics have for my patients every day in my clinic.

Here’s a sample of probiotic benefits, backed up by good research:

Condition Probiotic Benefits
Gut Health Probiotics have been shown to improve the gut barrier, reduce gut inflammation and can stabilize microbiota diversity after antibiotics.
IBS Probiotics have been shown to be an effective treatment for IBS with no side effects.
SIBO Preliminary data shows that probiotics improve both symptoms and lab values for SIBO. One study shows probiotics to be more effective than the antibiotic metronidazole.
Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease (IBD) Several studies show that probiotics are helpful for IBD. Use in conjunction with an anti-inflammatory herb for best results.
Constipation Two clinical trials have found that probiotics can help with constipation.
Diarrhea Probiotics have been shown to be effective for diarrhea.
Gut Pathogens Probiotics can help fight gut infections caused by candida, Blasto hominis, H. pylori, giardia and entamoebas.
Celiac Disease Probiotics improve symptoms in celiac disease and reduce intestinal inflammation, indigestion and constipation. Children with celiac disease achieved better height with probiotics, possibly due to better absorption of nutrients. Some probiotic combos may help to break down gluten.
Mood and Fatigue There is evidence that probiotics improve depression, anxiety, hostility, sadness and stress hormone levels. Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia may also improve after a gut healing diet and nutritional support.
Immune Function In two studies of elderly patients, probiotics decreased the incidence of colds and improved immune function.
Dermatitis One study showed that probiotics were successful in treating dermatitis.
Diabetes and Insulin Resistance A five-point and sixteen-point reduction in blood sugar was the average effect found in recent studies, which is a marginal change. Prebiotics may be more effective in treating diabetes than probiotics.
Weight Loss Probiotics have been shown to provide a small weight loss effect (2.2 – 3.7 lbs over several weeks) in obese and overweight adults. This weight-loss effect is often overstated by probiotic marketers.

When it comes to choosing a probiotic strain, there are three classes of probiotic that I recommend. Each strain is supported by scientific evidence.

This chart shows these three probiotics with the dosage range that I recommend:

Probiotic Dose Range Notes
Lacto-Bifido Probiotic Blend
The most-studied probiotic mixture. Helps a wide variety of conditions
Two to four capsules a day (500 mg to 1000 mg) Take on empty stomach
Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotic
A healthy probiotic fungus
Two to four capsules a day (500 mg to 1000 mg) Take on an empty stomach. Can be taken at same time as Lacto-Bifido Probiotic
Soil-Based Probiotic
A special category of bacteria that lives in the soil and is native to the human microbiome
One to two capsules per day Take with food

Here are some tips for taking probiotics:

  • If you’ve tried probiotics before and haven’t noticed much difference, give them another try. Probiotics work synergistically with dietary changes.
  • Start by taking all three types of probiotics at the lowest dose range. If you feel great after a few days, stay at that dose. If you still need further improvement, increase to the full dose. More is not always better.
  • If you are sensitive or concerned about a negative reaction, start with one type and add another type every few days.
  • Don’t buy junk supplements. Not all probiotics live up to the claims on their labels. Make sure your probiotic supplements are backed by good quality control. There are several good brands on the market, including the probiotics that are available in my online store. These are the same probiotics I use in my clinic.

Once you have completed this step, you should:

  • Update your symptom list.
    • Have some of your symptoms improved since starting the Quick Start approach?
    • Have some stayed the same or gotten worse?
  • Congratulate yourself! You have completed the Quick Start Guide!
  • Review What’s Next for suggestions for continuing your Healthy Gut, Healthy You journey.

What’s Next

Now that you have completed the four-week Quick Start Guide, it’s time to assess your results and decide on next steps.

Select all of the conditions that apply to you:

  • My symptoms are more than 70% improved. Refer to Scenario 1.
  • My symptoms are less than 70% improved. Refer to Scenario 2.
  • I am experiencing new symptoms or having reactions to the supplements. Refer to Troubleshooting.

Scenario 1

If your symptoms are more than 70% improved, congratulations! The program is working for you.

Continue with the diet and supplements for another 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, update your symptom chart again and reassess:

  • I am continuing to improve. Refer to Scenario 3.
  • I am no longer improving or I am regressing. Refer to Scenario 2.

Scenario 2

If you have not achieved at least 70% improvement, or if your improvements have stalled or regressed, don’t be discouraged.

You may need to take additional steps to achieve the health outcomes you want. It’s time to read my book, Healthy Gut, Healthy You, and use the full Great-in-8 Action Plan.


Scenario 3

If you have continued with the diet and support for an additional 8 weeks and you continue to experience health benefits, Congratulations!

Now it’s time to find a maintenance plan that works for you. When you are ready, here are some things to try:

  • Start to expand your diet. Do this by reintroducing one food at a time. Wait a day or two to see if any of your symptoms return. If not, it is probably safe to add this food back to your diet. Keep reintroducing foods, but don’t rush through the process.
  • After you have expanded your diet, try to find the minimal dose of probiotics you need. Try reducing your dosage for one probiotic at a time. Wait a couple of weeks on the reduced dosage and see if any symptoms return. If not, you can probably stay at the reduced dosage. Keep trying to reduce your probiotic dosage a little bit at a time.


If you are having a reaction to a supplement, discontinue all supplements and see if your symptoms improve. Then add each supplement back, one at a time, to pinpoint which one is causing the reaction.

If you have serious reactions or concerns that aren’t addressed by removing the supplement, check in with your doctor.